Women In Business, A.s.b.l., (“WIB”) collects and processes personal data about the users (the “Users”) of the website of WIB (the “Website”)  and its members (the “Members”), in accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the “GDPR”) and any applicable national data protection laws (including but not limited to the Luxembourg law of 1st August 2018 organizing the National Commission for data protection and the general system on data protection, as amended from time to time) (collectively the “Data Protection Laws”) and this Privacy and Cookie Policy.

WIB acting as data controller (the “Data Controller”), collects, stores and processes by electronic or other means the personal data supplied by:

-the Users when contacting WIB through the relevant Website contact form and the data supplied by the cookies when Users visit the Website (please refer to section “How we use cookies” for further information);

-the Members at the time of their adherence, based on the Members’ consents for the purposes outlined below. The Members may, at their discretion, refuse to communicate their personal data to the Data Controller. In this event however the Data Controller may reject their application if the relevant personal data is necessary to the WIB membership.

1)What data we collect

The personal data processed includes:

-the information provided by the Users when contacting WIB (inter alia, first name, last name, and personal and/or professional e-mail) and the relevant data concerning the Users collected by cookies (please refer to section “How we use cookies” for further information);

-the information provided by the Members in their respective membership application forms (inter alia,  first name, last name, cell phone, personal and/or professional e-mail, company, mother tongue and spoken languages).

2)How we use the collected data

The personal data supplied by Users when contacting WIB are processed for the purpose of managing the respective enquiries and only to the extent necessary to reply. The Users’ data obtained by the use of cookies are processed for the purposes outlined in the section “How we use cookies”.

The personal data supplied by Members are processed for the purpose of managing the application for membership and managing the Members of the association (performance and execution of the contracts between the Data Controller and the Members), and providing the Members with information concerning the association (subject to the Member’s prior consent). When processing is based on consent, the Members shall have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

The personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without the Users’ and Members’ permission.

3)Your rights with regard to the data that we hold about you

In accordance with the conditions laid down by the Data Protection Laws, the Users and the Members acknowledge their right to:

-access their personal data;

-correct their personal data where it is inaccurate or incomplete;

-object to the processing of their personal data;

-restrict the use of their personal data;

-ask for erasure of their personal data;

-ask for personal data portability.

The Users and Members may exercise their above rights by writing to the Data Controller at the following address: 12, rue de la Sapinière, L – 8150 Bridel, Luxembourg, or by email at the following address: info@womeninbusiness.lu.                                      

The Users and Members also acknowledge the existence of their right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données (the “CNPD”) at the following address: 15, Boulevard du Jazz, L-4370 Belvaux, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg; or with any competent data protection supervisory authority of their EU Member State of residence.

4)How long we keep your data

Personal data shall not be retained for periods longer than those required for the purpose of their processing subject to any limitation periods imposed by law.

5)Newsletter subscription

By choosing to register for WIB newsletter, Users and/or Members consent to the reception of the newsletter as well as to WIB processing of the relevant data. To confirm the newsletter subscription, an email will be sent after signing up. Users and/or Members can revoke the confirmation and the use of their email address for newsletter mailings at all times.

6)How do we use cookies

In accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws, WIB hereby informs the Users that when using the Website it may collect information by using ‘cookies’. WIB gives Users the possibility to agree to the use of cookies for the purposes listed below. Users may refuse at any time the use of cookies, but that this may affect Users experience and ability to exploit the full functionality of the Website. This is further explained below.

What are cookies and how do they work?

Cookies are small bits of text that are downloaded to the Users’ computer or other internet enabled devices when Users visit the Website. They enable WIB to collect information related to the use of the Website with the intent of improving the overall user experience. Examples of recorded data are the operating system Users use, Users’ IP address and time spent on the Website.

What do we use cookies for?

Cookies are an important part of the internet. They make using websites smoother and affect lots of the useful features of websites. In general, the reasons why websites use cookies are threefold: (1) to recognize users, (2) to recall their preferences and (3) to assist users in a multitude of ways such as remembering data that was inputted before. Cookies are also employed for targeted advertising and to show relevant content based on the user’s past researches.

How to manage cookies?

As per European legislation, WIB requires Users’ prior consent to store or access data in the form of cookies on Users’ terminal device. WIB therefore has a pop-up banner to inform Users of the use and storage of cookies on Users’ terminal device when visiting the Website for the first time.

In general, browsers are configured to automatically accept cookies from any website. However, Users’ browser’s settings offer the possibility to manage cookies.

Users can block them for example or choose to receive notification of when a cookie is being stored on Users’ terminal device.

In this respect it is also possible to disable the cookies used by the Website so that no cookie may longer be stored and used. If Users decide to change the use of cookies or choose to disable cookies, Users can learn how to change Users’ browser settings using the following links:

Internet Explorer™

Users should note that this may however reduce the Website’s functionality and have an impact on the overall Users experience. WIB therefore recommends Users adjusting the browser settings in a manner that the Website’s cookies are accepted.

7)Contacting us

If there are any questions regarding this Privacy and Cookie Policy, Users and Members may contact WIB at the following address: 12, rue de la Sapinière, L – 8150 Bridel, Luxembourg, or by email at the following address: info@womeninbusiness.lu.