This website is provided by Women In Business, A.s.b.l., with its head offices located at 9 Rue des jardins at L-8139 Bridel registered at the Luxembourg Business Register under the number F1226 (“we”, “us” or “our”).

Our website provides information and documents subject to the conditions described in those terms of use (the “Terms of Use”), in view to facilitate access to general information about its activities.

By consulting the website, the visitor (“you”) accepts without exception the legal notice (the “Legal Notice”). We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice and the use of the website will be submitted to the most recent user conditions, available on the website at the moment of the use.


The content of our website is given for information only. However, we will not be liable for the correctness, completeness and up-to-dateness of the contents provided. Utilization of the retrievable contents will be at the risk of the user. Contributions attributable to specific persons represent the opinion of the respective author and do not reflect the opinions of Women In Business, A.s.b.l..

We will endeavour to supply the services in a non-interrupted manner, if possible. However, notwithstanding all care taken, the possibility of downtimes can’t be excluded. 

1.2-Hypertext links to third-party resources

Our website provides access to external websites through hypertext links over which we have no control and for which we decline all responsibility for the content, products or services, advertising or any other material that may be offered on such website. Although the choice of links to external website has been made with the greatest care and vigilance, we cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external websites.


Any business woman (commercial, finance, management, …) working in Luxembourg, whether she is a young executive or a director can become a member (“Member”) of Women In Business, A.s.b.l.. Applicants must nevertheless be over 18 years of age to become a Member.

By filling out the required fields for membership and clicking submit, the applicant acknowledges that all information provided is accurate and current. The applicant understands and is aware that any false information provided is a ground for immediate revocation of membership.

Membership subscriptions will be annual in accordance with the sums set out on the membership application form.

Memberships are renewed annually upon payment of the annual fee. Members have the right to cancel the application for membership at any time by contacting Women In Business, A.s.b.l., at the following address: 9 Rue des Jardins, L-8139 Bridel, Luxembourg or by writing to

Membership is not transferable.

Women In Business, A.s.b.l., has the right in its absolute discretion to refuse membership or renewal for any reason or to expel a Member or prevent any Member or guest from taking part in or continuing at any event. Women In Business, A.s.b.l., reserves the right to terminate the membership with immediate effect should the Member be found to breach these conditions.

The Member undertakes to keep her online identifiers secret and not to disclose them in any form whatsoever. The storage, use and transmission of the online identifiers are carried out under the Member’s full and sole responsibility. Women In Business, A.s.b.l., cannot be held liable in the event of loss or malicious, abusive, illicit or fraudulent use of the online identifiers. The use of the online account is personal and any use of the online identifiers will be presumed to have been made by the Member.

1.4-Intellectual Property

The website, jointly with all its contents, including its layout and information, is protected by intellectual property laws.

We do not provide any right, assignment, license, authorization, user right, acceptance or any other right or title linked to the intellectual property we own in the website or its contents.

Except stated to the contrary, you are allowed to read, download and print documents and information under the following conditions:

The document should only be used for private and/or informational purposes, and in a private context.

The documents and information cannot be changed in whatever way, and

The documents cannot be reproduced apart from the website.

1.5-Personal data AND USE OF COOKIES

For more information on the processing of personal data and the use of cookies by this website please read our Privacy and Cookie Policy.


Any dispute relating to the use of this website shall be governed by Luxembourg law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Luxembourg courts.


Communication with us can be made by mail or email.

The mailing address is: 9 Rue des Jardins L-8139 Bridel, Luxembourg

E-mail address: